Monday 19 September 2011

Good News Monday

Afternoon everyone..Hope you are all well..This morning I had to go back to the doctors for my weekly blood pressure check and I'm also on a diet..which started last Tuesday..I didn't think I'd lost any weight but to my utter shock and delight I've lost 8.5lbs in a week woohoooo LOL . A Long way to go but its a good start ;)  . My blood pressure is still dangerously high but has dropped a little from last week, so that was good news. Then my Third piece of Good News...I have been accepted onto the DT for the New challenge The Squirrel And The Fox !!!!  The Current challenge is Anything Goes ..Simples eh go join in the fun and get your entries in.
Hugs Jacqui xxx


Berry said...

Congrats on the new DT place Jacqui! Superb well done too on the weight loss and dropping of your blood pressure you are on your way to better health, take care hugs Rebekah xx

Jacki Daniels said...

Congrats on the dt post Jacqui well deserved and also with the weight loss well done what you doing I could do with loosing a few pounds(stone) lol
Jacki xx

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your DT post Jacqui - well deserved! Now, come on share the diet tips with us; I need to lose some of this blubber!! Well done you 8.5lbs in one week!! xx

Vicky said...

Wow...super news about your blood pressure hun...and the weight loss too...and well done also on your new DT...WOOHOOOOOO!!

big hugs Vicky xx

Tracey said...

Yay Jacqui - looking forward to working with you at The Squirrel & The Fox, and congrats on your blood pressure and weight loss - that's brilliant news.

shaz earl said...

Hi Jacqui wow!!! that weight loss is fantastic i hope they can get your blood pressure sorted, i know how you feel on that score mines all over the place and congrats on your new DT position take care hugs Shaz xx

pinky said...

Sorry to hear about the blood pressure but great news on the diet!! Well done on the new dt position, you are so busy girl!

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